Intentional Pilgrim

Let the Camino Prep begin…

Let the Camino prep begin…
Erie, PA

Erie, PA

These are my thoughts as we prepare for the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage…

Trying to get used to blogging as I will do while walking the Camino, so I am confining all my entries to be from my iPhone… Please excuse spelling and typing errors!

It will be funny to read these once we have completed the walk. I am sure the anticipation and fears will be far overshadowed by things that we did not even think about.

Stew and I have been training for months… trying to walk at least an hour most days and we have spent many days walking 6-7 hours.  All of these hikes include our pack stuffed with cans of bean and tuna so that we can mimic the weight we will carry on the camino.

The pictures above include some of the pictures from our various walks this winter as we prepare…