Finisterre- walked 8km Fisterra, Spain Fisterra, Spain Stayed in: Mar de Fora Still hating this albergue, La Paz! The light in the bathroom stall is pitch and the light doesn’t work, in addition to being filthy there is no toilet…

Finisterre- walked 8km Fisterra, Spain Fisterra, Spain Stayed in: Mar de Fora Still hating this albergue, La Paz! The light in the bathroom stall is pitch and the light doesn’t work, in addition to being filthy there is no toilet…
Rode the bus to Finisterre Fisterra, Spain Fisterra, Spain Stayed in: La Paz– Worst albergue we stayed in!! Here I sit by the sea side looking off at the mountains in the distance and the blue green water in…