Compression pants part 2 Erie, PA Erie, PA So the compression pants arrived. They looked like they were for a Barbie doll! But I got them on after much tugging. Only hint provided was to wear socks when trying to…

Compression pants part 2 Erie, PA Erie, PA So the compression pants arrived. They looked like they were for a Barbie doll! But I got them on after much tugging. Only hint provided was to wear socks when trying to…
Airstash Erie, PA Erie, PA So I figured out how to transfer the pictures from the memory cards to the phone… airstash. This device is a wifi card reader. Pretty cool – you simply connect your wifi on the iphone…
Compression pants Erie, PA Erie, PA So I read review after review about these compression pants Annette told me about… Almost every single review started with total doubt that they did much … And ended with a firm commitment to…