Well that was a first… NYC, United States NYC, United States They needed to evacuate the Detroit airport due to a tornado… Well, we had to go to the bathrooms and the tunnel… Some were in closets.. It was interesting…

Well that was a first… NYC, United States NYC, United States They needed to evacuate the Detroit airport due to a tornado… Well, we had to go to the bathrooms and the tunnel… Some were in closets.. It was interesting…
Finally left erie… Detroit, MI Detroit, MI Well, a bit anti climatic sitting in Erie international airport for 4 hours but we did finally arrive in Detroit…to fog and gloom. Really hope we get to JFK tonight!
On our way… But didn’t get very far Erie, PA Erie, PA So, after turning around and going back to the house only once, we made it to the Erie airport with time to spare. Things looked good. Suitcase with…