Intentional Pilgrim

Filloval – walked 23 km

Filloval – walked 23 km
Triacastela, Spain


Triacastela, Spain
Stayed in: Alb. Fillobal
Girls stayed in: Alb. A Reboleira in Fonfria

We walked on another 6km asking each albergue along the way how much a bed was… Several were charging 30 or 35 euros for a room with 2 beds. We pressed on and ended up in Filloval at a brand new albergue with a kitchen (although we had no food) for only 9 euro each, Alb Filobal.

Next door was the bar where we could get wifi and dinner.

2 other pilgrims ended up in our albergue, but picked beds in the other room… So we had our room all to ourselves!

Hannah from Germany and Jingyue from China were the other 2 pilgrims. It was Jingyue’s first day on the camino and we ended up eating dinner with her. She was a student studying Spanish at Santiago and decided to check out the Camino… In jeans and tennis shoes and with no sleeping bag! Shows you can do the camino any way you want!