Intentional Pilgrim

Hospital de … Stop for coffee and soup

Stop for coffee & soup
Hospital da Condesa, Spain


Hospital da Condesa, Spain

What a pitiful morning! Walking up a mountain in sleeting rain, wind blowing! Very cold! I could not feel my fingers! We finally stopped in a bar because I was so cold. We had coffee and then I heard they had lentil soup! It was so fabulous… Only 10:00 in the morning but man was it perfect!

Very hard to put our wet clothes back on and head back out in the cold and rain. It did eventually stop raining but stayed very cold most of the day.

Around 2:00 we stopped at Fonfria. We were all ready to stop but Stew. So Stew and I continued on leaving the girls to the warmth of the albergue In Fonfria.

We are now in Galicia and it is mostly farming. We have run into cows being hearded in the road several times. Some areas you cannot walk without stepping in cow pies. You have to get used to the smell as well! That was one reason Stew did not want to stay in Fonfria… It really smelled terrible and the albergue had no kitchen (although we have heard many in Galicia do not have kitchens). Stew and I ended up at a great place in the end…