Intentional Pilgrim

San Mamede del Camino- walked 18.2 km

San Mamed del Camino- walked 18.2 km
San Mamed del Camino, Spain


San Mamed del Camino, Spain
Stayed in: Paloma Y Lena
Girls stayed in: Samos

Stayed at Paloma Lena Albergue. It was so nice and relaxing! I wish we arrived earlier, but it took a while to get over the mountain today. We arrived around 4:40.

The girls decided to take the alternate route and stayed in Samos tonight. They must have a kitchen because they are making pasta.

We ran into Jingyue several times today. Last we saw her she was on a horse with a guy! She yelled to us as they passed “don’t tell anyone I am cheating”! Lol

We had a very nice communal meal and met a couple from Australia, Peter and Dianna, probably about 60 to 70 years old. Nice dinner conversation. After dinner we got to skype with Cole. Stew misses him so much and we often talk about how much Cole would like this or that. Wish he was here! But he would have hated the walk!

This is the first albergue that had nice relaxing chairs to sit on.  Usually I have to blog in my bed, propped up… here I can sit outside in these nice little chairs and really relax.  I am enjoying watching a bunny that they have as a pet here at the albergue.