Intentional Pilgrim

Train to Pontevedra

Train to Pontevedra
Cangas, Spain


Cangas, Spain
Stayed in: Piso Con Vistas al mar pegado a la playa rodeira

We woke in Santiago and headed for the pilgrim museum. There are two and we went through the Galicia one yesterday.

The girls met us at the albergue to then head to the train, about a 30 min walk.

Eduardo, condo owners boyfriend, picked us up in Pontevedra train station. He took us into Vigo and showed us around a bit, then took us to Cangas. We all fit in his little Citreon C!

We love our place. Looking out on Playa Rodeira beach. One of the biggest beaches in Cangas. We booked this during the last leg of our Camino walk and only costs us 250 Euro for 5 days!

We got settled and made a grocery run. I went out in the evening looking for a bathing suit… Not much luck. Only one store of adult suits… Unbelievable!

Tomorrow we sail for the isle of Cies!

We are enjoying our post-Camino vacation!