Intentional Pilgrim

Ferry to the Isle of Cies

Ferry to the Isle of Cies
Cangas, Spain


Cangas, Spain
Stayed in: Piso Con Vistas al mar pegado a la playa rodeira

Alyssa just discovered her suit top is missing, so both of us head to the store before the ferry to Isle of Cies. Stew and Kim went to grocery for picnic supplies. Luckily we found suits and all of us made it for the 10:15 ferry to Isle of Cies.

It was a beautiful island. We mostly just made camp on the beach and relaxed. There was some hiking and such, but for some reason it did not appeal to us. Go figure!

Stew did some snorkeling and ended up seeing an octopus among other things. He saw several schools of fish, coral, and other underwater things.

At 6:00 we headed back to Cangas for dinner of chicken, fish, rice and broccoli. So happy to have a kitchen.

Tomorrow the girls start wind surfing! Stew set up with the local surf club to have some lessons for the girls and access to the equipment during the days we are here. Should be fun !