Intentional Pilgrim

Melide – walked 20km

Melide – walked 20km
Melide, Spain


Melide, Spain
Stayed in: O Apalpador

Walk was very hot today! We took a long break in the afternoon and ate lunch and napped a bit. More hills today.

Our albergue, O Apalpador, was not as clean tonight. Stew took charge of wash and loading my phone with more call minutes at Vodafone while I fixed dinner.

After dinner Stew played cards with some Spanish folks. I had a nice visit with Mike from South Africa. He was one of the guys that stayed with us in Vilacha (Gordon’s and Ann-Marie’s).

Kim and Alyssa went to check out the city.

We tried to get up and out early, but just took so long getting around. I think it will be another hot day.