Intentional Pilgrim

Cacabelos – walked 16.5km

Cacabelos – walked 16.5km
Cacabelos, Spain



Cacabelos, Spain
Stayed in: Alb. municipal de Cacabelos

Wow, today felt great. Back in the swing, back hurts, feet hurt, but we are back on the trail! We left Peter with hugs and a few tears as he decided not to continue and was taking a bus to who knows where. He has plantar fasciitis and is in a lot of pain when he walks. That brings me to tears each time I think of all the friends we are now out of sync with since busing to Ponferrada.

Breakfast with the girls was nice and away we went. Stew and I broke for a coffee bathroom break around 10:00 in Fuent Nuevas. While sitting there enjoying my coffee and toast at a sidewalk table guess who wandered up… Peter! He just doesn’t want to give up… On the way to the bus station he thought things were ok… He is in pain now, after walking a few km. Trying so hard. He left us at the café and went on his way – hoping to get a taxi or bus soon. We hope he did ok today!

Picnic lunch at a little pilgrim rest stop right as you enter Cacabelos. Girls were waiting for us as they walk so much faster. Decided to call it a day… It is very warm today and the sun is strong. We will enjoy an early arrival at the parochial municipal albergue at Las Angustias. Chalet style rooms with 2 beds in each pod. The pods are arranged in a semi circle around the patio and church. Wash is finished and now we are just hanging out enjoying the sun, breeze and fresh warm “pan” (bread) we picked up on our way through town.

Ok. Taking the bus was worth it, this is really nice!

We slept and uploaded stuff and skyped in the afternoon. Since there was no kitchen we ate a nice dinner out. Then ice cream and walked around the river area. could not have been a nicer evening.

Buen Camino