Intentional Pilgrim

Zubiri – walked 22.2 km

Zubiri – walked 22.2 km
Zubiri, Spain

Zubiri, Spain
Stayed in: Zubiri – Municipal alb.

Today was a long day because we were so tired from the mountainous walk yesterday. Lots of really steep areas both up and down. My knees were literally shaking as we enter Zubiri on a steep steep gravel road.  The road is so steep down hill that is was like a snowboarding “half pipe”.  It is rumored to be extremely dangerous in the rain!

We have no wifi and spent afternoon showering and washing and locating food… Will fill in details and pictures later. By far the hardest day yet… Everyone is struggling just to walk across the street to go to dinner.

This municipal albergue is not too luxurious. Bathrooms are in a building separate from the sleeping quarters.. Men and women together. Showers were on opposite sides with 6 shower heads in an area that fit 4 people! Typical gym style showering with nowhere to set your things. Yard was big and gravel covered. Beds were fine and comfortable.

We met up with many people here…Silas from Switzerland (he is actually in a picture on the previous post where we are standing at the counter where we ate in Roncesvalles – we did not know him then), Peter from Thailand/Chicago, Wyn from Germany, Ulia from South Korea… And continued to see our other friends: Lorna from South Africa, Heidi from Germany (no English), the men from Japan that roomed w girls in Roncesvalles, Al and Sandy from Williamsport. Also met Larry and Des from Australia that I blogged with on Camino forum before we left.

Dinner was really the best time. Lots of chatting and running into people we have met along the way. You really feel like it is a family. Everyone is so encouraging of each other… We are all struggling in different ways and it seems to bond us some how. It is really cool!