Intentional Pilgrim

Villatuerta – walked 19km

Villatuerta – walked 19km
Villatuerta, Spain


Villatuerta, Spain
Stayed in: Albergue La Casa Magica

Today was a better day for all of us. We left Puente la Reina about 8:30 but made reservations for an albergue for tonight.  Stew and I left ahead of the girls,  Alyssa seems to have lots of trouble in the morning.  Need to give her space .

Since we were not aware breakfast was included in the price of our albergue in Puente la Reina we had our breakfast food for a picnic lunch.  Stew and I found a nice spot and enjoyed some tuna, bread, yogurt, and bananas.

All day it looked like rain… But thankfully held off!

We stayed in Albergue La Casa Magica. It was fabulous!  We shared the 3rd floor room with Linda and Sharon from South Africa,

I went to the market and bought ensaladas fixings.. It was yummy. They were making an expensive pilgrim meal for 13 euros… Not much we could eat and pretty pricey.. So we made our own as usual.

Wonderful chat after dinner in the common room with Ray, Linda, and Sharon. We all took turns in the massage chair (yes a massage chair).. It felt great.

I was beginning to get a nasty blister under my left big toe.  A bit worried about it since we hope to cover 25km tomorrow.

Decided to try for an early start tomorrow..5am.

Buen Camino