Intentional Pilgrim

Los Arcos – walked 25km

Los Arcos – walked 25km
Los Arcos, Spain


Los Arcos, Spain
Stayed in: Casa de la Abuela
Girls stayed in: Alb Fuente Casa de Austria

Stew and I stayed in Casa de la Abuela.  Very nice and quiet.  We heard that the municipal one here is not very nice.  Girls are staying at a different albergue: Alb Fuente Casa de Austria. They just got here about 5:30. We left them this morning still sleeping.

Stew and I arrived around 4:00. It was an extremely long last 10km. I have a really bad blister under my toe and several very sore toes from all the down hill walking. The blister has caused my entire big toe and foot pad to swell and hurt like crazy. Ugh. Stew has pretty much no injuries except a hot spot on one heel.  His difficulties are more emotional ones.

His son Cole is back at home and he misses him terrible.  In Cizur Mentor we tried to skype with Cole and it seems his mother had a meeting with the school and forbid them to let us communicate with Cole.  We have a tentative skype at noon every day with Cole and his class which we set up before we left.   Due to the 6 hour difference and we figured his mother would block us at home so skyping as school during lunch seemed a great idea.  We even loaned the school a map and computer so they could keep track of our progress on this pilgrimage.  Very depressing that we will not get to talk to him for the rest of the journey.  So we have spent 2 days working with people back home to get this problem fixed. There are no words to even begin to explain why a mother would do this to her son. We just hope to communicate with Cole at some point and we will keep trying. We all miss him and Stew is beyond upset about this. Keep us and Cole in your prayers.

I am really exhausted tonight. We got a pizza and salad for dinner and went to see Dane Johansen perform. He is walking the camino with his cello and performing in the local churches. He has a production crew and plans to make it a documentary:

Hope to go to bed early… 5 am start today and probably again tomorrow.

Buen camino