Intentional Pilgrim

Vilache – walked 20km

Vilacha – walked 20km
Vilacha, Spain


Vilacha, Spain
Stayed in: Casa Banderas

Had a good walk but we were ready to drop the packs when we arrived in Vilacha. We were greeted by a wonderful Danish woman, Anne-Marie. All the albergue were full everywhere. When we called Anne-Marie originally she only had one bed. But offered Stew a floor mattress if no one cancelled.

We lucked out as someone did cancel which gave Stew a bed. The place was very clean and cozy. This is their home and they provide a bed and meals for atmost 10 pilgrims each night. The shower was so wonderful! A full room to dress and the shower had other jets so you could really enjoy it.

We enjoyed the rest of the afternoon in the garden. It had been windy and raining on and off all day, but now was nice and sunny.

Dinner was just fabulous! They made me a veggie dish with garbanzo bean meatballs! Really good. They also server pimiento peppers that were just fabulous!

Our hosts here were truly into what they did. Gordon had several strokes and lost his short term memory. He could no longer run his factory in South Africa. He and his son walked the Camino in 2005 and he wrote a book about it. He decided to buy an old house in Vilacha and renovate it to be an albergue. His wife, Julie, remained in South Africa and in 2010 they divorced.

Anne-marie, from Denmark, decided to walk the Camino in 2013 and stayed at Casa Bandera’s, fell in love with Gordon and decided to marry him and help him run the albergue. It had been her dream some day to own a B&B. she also is into healing: messages, tarot readings and the like.

They are just delightful people.

Wonderful day…

Buen Camino