Intentional Pilgrim


Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, France

Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, France
Stayed in: Gite Ulteria

Arrived in St Jean Pied de Port by bus after great day in Pamplona. Aloha hostel was great. Very accommodating and let us sleep until 11am. Stored our stuff while we walked about. We met several pilgrims already a few days in. They were injury ridden and really tired. Yikes. This gives me a little bit of fright for us. But as stew keeps saying

how do you eat an elephant?  …One byte at a time! (the geeky answer)

Bus to sjpdp was like mr. Toads wild ride… Stew was on the verge of losing it.  Through the Pyrenees with a full bus of foul smelling pilgrims.

You could feel the excitement in the bus tho. Everyone with their packs and funny hats! Met some folks and very excited for tomorrow! We will eat breakfast and then away we go…