Intentional Pilgrim

Back in Santiago

Back in Santiago
Santiago de Compostela, Spain


Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Stayed in: The Last Stamp
Girls stayed in: Youth Hostel

Back in Santiago… Took the 7:15am ferry from Cangas to Vigo, then a train to Santiago. I really love traveling by train in Europe. It is so easy and comfortable. We checked into Last Stamp Alb, the girls went to the youth hostel. Spent remainder of morning and early afternoon looking in the shops and buying a few souvenirs. There are some really neat ceramic things and prints. But no way to get them home. I did get a nice ceramic octopus that I am thrilled with. It will remind me of the Galician pulpo!

We got lunch at our favorite place by pilgrim office. Saw a few pilgrims from our earlier group. Today was summer solstice festival so Santiago was a little crazy all night. It rained, but once the rain cleared the partying began. They built a bonfire and burn flowers. It is good luck if you jump the flames… I did not do this FYI. Lol.

Tomorrow at 5:30am we head to the airport to go to Madrid.

The trip is winding down šŸ™