Intentional Pilgrim

Pereje – walked 12.6km

Pereje – walked 12.6km
Pereje, Spain



Pereje, Spain
Stayed in: Albergue Comunidad Pereje

We spent far to long at lunch and by early afternoon we were ready to find a bed. This little town is right off the highway and has very little other than some run down houses, a bar, and an albergue. We stayed in Albergue Comunidad Pereje.

The albergue could be really nice but it is given little attention. The girls thought the place was pretty spooky! It is by far the worst place we have stayed.  Very run down and dirty.  We are sleeping in the basement with about 10 other pilgrims.  Bathroom is really stark and cold.

Since there was no market we had to eat at the bar. I ended up pretty sick in the night and guessed it was from the dinner.

I ended up losing a walking glove here… First thing I lost 🙁

We left before the girls hoping to make better time. We knew there would be some road walking today… Not my favorite!