Last long walk in Erie
Erie, PA |
- looking good even in the rain!
- After lunch mediation
Erie, PA
Today we walked 6 hours around the peninsula. Gotta say we are a little tired of the trails on Presque Isle. Although today was unique in that there was no rain or snow! Blue, blue, blue skies! Really gorgeous. We stopped for lunch in our same spot. I think I am most tired of the sand. So many of the trails have these long stretches of rather deep sand. Nothing makes walking more difficult than sand! We did try to stop more often. That helped. We just seem to end up with very heavy packs. Mine was at 20 pounds and stew’s at 27! Well, he was carrying lunch lol. I did wear my compression pants and feel pretty good. Usually I am in all sorts of pain after a long walk like that. Tomorrow will be a short walk… Hoping to walk with Lora one last time before we go.