Intentional Pilgrim

Hiking shoe trouble

Hiking shoe trouble
Erie, PA

Erie, PA

Oh no, Kim called and her $125 keen hiking shoes are giving her pain! Nothing like a last minute problem with the most important piece of equipment! I am suggesting she just wear her running shoes. Since she runs daily I thought those might be the best fall back. Of course they probably should be a size bigger but, well, no time. She has final projects due, finals next week and she needs to move out of the dorm. I think running shoes will have to work. She walked in flat sandals all through Italy 2 summers ago so the running shoes are still a huge improvement!

Kim also wondered if there would be time in the afternoon to take a run while doing the Camino. Hahaha… My reply was that it was unlikely she would feel like it after walking for 8 hours, but who knows. Wonderful that she thinks this is possible! No knee/hip fears in her mind!