Intentional Pilgrim

Windsurfing and swimming

Windsurfing and swimming
Cangas, Spain


Cangas, Spain
Stayed in: Piso Con Vistas al mar pegado a la playa rodeira

Stew and I awoke and went in search of wifi… Not so easy to find now that we are off the Camino. Found a bar on the water with wifi! Had lots to catch up on!

Later in the morning Stew and girls headed to surf club for the windsurfing lessons. They had a blast and did great! I spent the hours walking around and grocery shopping… Smoked salmon for lunch, yumm!

Rest of the afternoon was spent on the beach and practicing windsurfing . We have use of the equipment all day. Made fajitas and piemento peppers for dinner, along with a tossed salad… Nice to have a kitchen.

Kim took a run in the evening. Stew and I just hung out on benches outside boat club and watched the water and people and tiny dogs… Lol.

Alyssa has been having some more stomach issues and was happy to just lay and watch some tv. She figured out how to get some of the stations in English. Really having a nice time here!