Intentional Pilgrim

Azofra – walked 21km

Azofra – walked 21km
Azofra, Spain



Azofra, Spain

Stayed in: Municipal Alb

We arrived in Azofra around 3:30 and scored one of the last pods… 2 people in each pod.  It is the municipal albergue so you could not make reservations which always makes me nervous.  We spent some time in Najera eating lunch and checking out the Medieval church.  I don’t know how everyone gets to their albergue so early and also claim to walk 30km.

It was really neat today when we saw the sign “582km to Santiago”!  We have walked 210km! That’s something.  It is not without its ailments.  I think many people have dumped their packs, not carrying them when they walk, and have the bus drop it off (you can pay 6 euro or so and have your pack transported from town to town).  I do think the pack weight is why my feet hurt so badly.

Tonight it is raining.  Stew and I made dinner as usual but it was fun because lots of people stayed in due to the rain. The dinning room/common area was packed with people.  Met a guy, Matt, from Virginia, but he grew up in Belafonte, PA!  Right near the cabin. And he also lived in Rochester for several years teaching at Nazareth college!

I also met a woman from Holland that walks a camino every year! She reminds me a lot of Mrs. Schenitzki!  She is walking alone this year.

It is really amazing some of the people that are walking… Especially those walking alone. I am happy to be walking with Stew, he is such a great companion.

We had no working wifi at this albergue. This is unusual because the municipal albergue usually have working wifi.  I hoped to skype with Dad on his 75th bday! Boo hoo. Got a minute of wifi at a bar but seems to be out all thru town.

I will post pictures later…