Photos from Westport camino
Westport, MA |
- Lenny, Squiggy and a Jackass
- Lenny (Ellen)
- Lenny and Squiggy (Ellen and Annette)
- Westport route
- Westport
Westport, MA
Photos from Westport camino… With annette We decided to do a mini camino day and walk 10+ miles in Westport. Equipment wise I had no pack or poles and walked in sneakers. Of course Annette and I chatted the entire way. Some how we never run out of things to say. Our chatting made the miles pass quickly. It was funny because Annette is used to marathon training and working on speed. So our first mile was at 4 miles per hour. I had to slow her down as my training is to walk with purpose, but to look up and enjoy the surroundings. All about the journey, not the speed. We averaged about 3.25 miles an hour with no breaks… Still a bit fast. But the real discovery was after the walk… Annette introduced me to CW-X compression tights! Wow, during the hours I wore them after the walk I could feel the benefit. I will be reading about these on the plane home on Tuesday! Thanks Annette for the walk, talk and intro to the tights that may save my hips and knees!