Intentional Pilgrim

Lunch break!

Lunch break!
Santo Domingo de la Calzada, Spain



Santo Domingo de la Calzada, Spain
Girls stayed here, arrived very late!

Had a great break in Santo Domingo.  Made a yummy sandwich for lunch then headed to the cathedral and bell tower.  I have been making the same sandwich for lunch each day:
pann (bread), big juicy tomato, local cheese, olives, tuna).  I am sure we are getting a big dose of mercury daily!  Today I sat right on a bench in the middle of town and made this sandwich.  Nobody pays much attention to pilgrims.

This is the town with the cathedral that has the roosters… There is a story of the camino and miracle that includes a rooster:  The Miracle of the Rooster and the Hen

We booked beds for the girls in one of the albergue in Santo Domingo.  They hope to make it here tonight and then tomorrow we will hopefully meet up.  They will have a long walk today…  They are now about a day behind us – passing through Najero today at lunch.