Intentional Pilgrim

Cizur Menor – walked 10km

Cizur Menor – walked 10km
Cizur Menor, Spain




Cizur Menor, Spain
Stayed in: albergue Maribel Roncal

Walked around Pamplona for a few hours. Alyssa’s feet were hurting and my back was too, so we decided to make it a short day. My back was in so much pain I was wearing the TENS unit while we walked under my pack.

We landed in a albergue Maribel Roncal.  A wonderful albergue with a kitchen and garden area. They even had a washing machine, which saved so much time!  Alyssa enjoyed the little pond which had a friendly turtle in it.

Stew went to the market and bought fixings for salads, some rice and veggies to cook and a dark choc bar for dessert!  Kim and stew prepared a great dinner and we were so full we all wanted to take a nap.

Spent afternoon & evening catching u with wifi stuff.

Bed early… We all hope tomorrow is a better day!